
Our caring staff actively support the social and emotional growth of students in our care. At times, children encounter issues such as family breakdowns, separation, or matters of self-esteem, anxiety and similar concerns that can be addressed by appropriately qualified support staff.

At St Joseph’s we employ a school counsellor, who works at our school, with our children and our parents, each week. Referral forms are required to be completed on an annual basis by parents/care givers. Our counsellor always seeks parental consent before commencing counselling, and works with parents to support their children.

Referral and Consent Forms are available from the school office.

View our Counselling Information for Parents/Carers letter

Peer Mediation

To achieve our aim of witnessing Gospel values in all our relationships, we have identified the adoption of a school wide Restorative Practices model of conflict resolution as a practice that we commit to in our journey as a Mary MacKillop Community.

Restorative Practices is a caring approach to building and maintaining healthy relationships. This approach to conflict resolution promotes resilience in both the one harmed and in the one who causes harm.

To support our approach, our Year 5 students are trained as Peer Mediators. Their role is to commit to being available during playtime on a rostered basis to support students in resolving any ‘minor’ issues that may arise. Students may approach them for some help or direction or the Peer Mediators may intervene if they see a situation in which they may be of assistance. Their role is not to ‘fix’ a problem but to offer a process to help solve it. Of course teachers are always on duty and available at all times.