Restorative Practices

Restorative Practices is a pastoral approach to healthy relationships and student welfare. This approach to conflict resolution promotes resilience in both the one harmed and in the one who causes harm. Restorative Practices emphasises the strength and potential for each student. Through a restorative philosophy we believe we can best facilitate the wellbeing of all students in our school community.

Our vision is that the St Joseph’s School community is characterised by the compassion of Saint Mary Mackillop in our relationships with each other. Conflict is a part of life. How we respond to it is what sets us apart as followers of Christ. As a school, we are committed to sharing with our students a Restorative Practices model to show them that broken relationships can be healed and that the Gospel calls each one of us to use our gifts to find that healing. This initiative will affect students both in their experience of how unacceptable behaviours are managed at St Joseph’s and also in what is expected of them. As they grow, they will be asked to deepen their personal reflection and to live the Gospel values to which this community is committed.

Restorative Practices is directed to the wellbeing of the whole school community. The community needs all parents and families and all staff and assistants to support its implementation. A commitment to Restorative Practices is a practical means available to all of us to live the Gospel values.

The adoption of this approach at St Joseph’s means that your child will be exposed to the language of Restorative Practices. This includes being involved in restorative dialogue on an individual level, in ‘classroom circles’ with their entire class and with their teacher and in other day to day situations where reflection is required. Our Year 5 Peer Mediators are trained in using this approach and language when ‘on duty’ during play time. We ask for your support in implementing this approach to improving and growing all the relationships within our school community. 

The featured video illustrates and explains St Joseph's approach to Restorative Practices. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school.